CHOKE addresses the inner conflict and struggle of a woman suffering from severe stammer and her desire for self-expression and self- transformation. Additionally this work is aiming to reveal the mismatch or even the contradiction that often exists between the actual message (i.e. its semantic content) and our perception of it through the way it is physically expressed (i.e. facial expressions, gestures, voice timbre and articulation) and communicated to us.

Despite the film being a “work-in-progress” piece, CHOKE was selected for the 10Gales Gallery group show (as part of the 10Gales Art Prize) in East London in March 2011. Digital video, sound, colour, 5min. *selected for 10Gales Gallery group show, 10Gales Prize (15 – 20 March 2011) 10Gales Gallery website 10Gales Art Prize

HD Video, 4 min., 2011